Three simple yet powerful words that can change your outlook, your confidence, and your overall self-perception. We don’t take the time to say it enough. If you truly begin to understand it, say it, mean it, accept it, believe it, and embrace it! God loves you, I love you, and so should you!
I understand that you have made mistakes. I understand that sometimes you feel unworthy of love, including the love from yourself, family, friends, and sometimes even God. I understand that the enemy is trying his best to make you feel undesirable, ugly, dumb, unqualified, unwanted, unheard, insecure, incapable, inadequate, bound, weak, and misunderstood. At times you might not even like the way you look, dress, or even speak. Just know that the Devil is deceiving you! You MATTER! You are beautiful! You are not stupid! You are not a mistake! You are strong! You are qualified! You are capable! You are amazing! You are gifted! You are blessed! You are desired! You are beautifully and wonderfully made! You are worthy of LOVE! You are LOVED! I LOVE YOU! GOD LOVES YOU! It’s time for YOU to love YOU!